Posted in: Uncategorized- Feb 19, 2017 No Comments

  By Maggi – Lead and Love K9 Communication: For us humans, the primary way that we communicate is through a verbal language. It works great if the other humans we are trying to communicate with speak our language. If you were trying to communicate with another person that didn’t speak your language, you would […]


Posted in: Uncategorized- Nov 14, 2016 No Comments

dHarmony By Maggie Reese www.leadandlovek9.com Recently a good friend was telling me all about the great fun he’d been having on the popular dating site called eharmony. He was meeting lots of interesting, like-minded people and genuinely wanted to meet someone special. eharmony is currently one of the most popular and successful on-line dating websites. […]

The Power Of No

Posted in: Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Uncategorized- Jul 15, 2016 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan The truth: We live in a Yes/No world. Yes, you should look both ways before crossing a street. No you shouldn’t touch a hot stove. So often I catch myself comparing dog training to parenting. Most of us agree that a good parent understands that in order to teach a child they […]


Posted in: Uncategorized- Apr 25, 2016 No Comments

I’m sure you know them, people who just can’t be alone. They constantly seek the company and attention of other humans whether or not that attention is good for them. Sometimes, if they can’t find other humans to fill the void, they assign this burden to their dogs. They require their dogs to be close […]


Posted in: Uncategorized- Sep 14, 2015 No Comments

  By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 www.leadandlovek9.com One thing that a lot of my clients complain about is that their dog doesn’t listen to them, doesn’t come when called, and basically blows them off whenever they feel like it. Even people who have invested the time and energy into their dogs training […]

Who My Dog Is

Posted in: Uncategorized- Aug 01, 2015 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan – Lead And Love K9 www.leadandlovek9.com I was at a party recently, and someone there knew I was a dog trainer so they started chatting me up about their dog. It happens a lot…I don’t mind : ) The interesting thing about our conversation was that I very quickly learned that this […]


Posted in: crate training, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, State of mind dog training, Uncategorized- Jun 03, 2015 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 www.leadandlovek9.com In today’s day and age, with all of the great information available about the value and importance of crate training your dog, I’m really surprised that I still get a fair amount of resistance from my clients when I stress that they must crate train their […]

Caution! Adverse Reactions May Occur.

Posted in: Dog Behavior, Dog Training, dog walking, leash reactivity, State of mind dog training, Uncategorized- Apr 15, 2015 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 www.leadandlovek9.com “Help…my dog loses his mind when he sees other dogs (people, cats, squirrels, skateboards, bikes) out on a walk”. I hear it all the time. Consider this… what are the worst leash reactive dogs doing while out on a walk before the big blow up over […]

Walk This Way!

Posted in: Dog Behavior, Dog Training, dog walking, Uncategorized- Jan 25, 2015 No Comments

WALK THIS WAY! By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 www.leadandlovek9.com Helping my clients achieve a nice, calm, loose-leash walk with their dogs is one of the most important things that I focus on in my training programs. But why is having your dog walk next to you on a loose leash in heel […]


Posted in: Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Uncategorized- Jun 22, 2014 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 www.leadandlovek9.com Love Most dog owners would say that they love their dogs, right? People get dogs because they want a friend and companion to share their lives with, and they want their friend to love them back. When we pour on constant affection, praise, treats, and attention […]