Posted in: Dog Behavior, dog communication, dog socialization, Dog Training, spatial pressure- Jul 27, 2014 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 In a dog’s world space is not some otherworldly dimension…it’s a language. Space. Their space, our space…and how our actions affect space matter greatly to them. How close, how far. How fast or slowly we move in space. What angle and what kind of stance we take […]

THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY! Socialization for dogs might not be what you think it is.

Posted in: Dog Behavior, dog socialization, Dog Training- Jul 01, 2014 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan  so·cial·i·za·tion /ˌsoʊʃələˈzeɪʃən/ Show Spelled [soh-shuh-luh–zey-shuhn] Show IPA noun 1. a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.   “YOU HAVE TO SOCIALIZE YOUR DOG!” I hear from dog owners all the time about how […]


Posted in: Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Uncategorized- Jun 22, 2014 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan – Lead and Love K9 Love Most dog owners would say that they love their dogs, right? People get dogs because they want a friend and companion to share their lives with, and they want their friend to love them back. When we pour on constant affection, praise, treats, and attention […]


Posted in: Dog Behavior, dog socialization, Dog Training- Jun 04, 2014 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan Ring…ring! “Hello Maggi, this is the President.” “I’ve decided that I need a few months off.” “The responsibilities of leading this great country are a lot of work, and having to make all of these important decisions is wearing me down.” “Could you please take over for me for a while?” HOLY […]