
Posted in: Uncategorized- Nov 14, 2016 No Comments

dHarmony By Maggie Reese www.leadandlovek9.com Recently a good friend was telling me all about the great fun he’d been having on the popular dating site called eharmony. He was meeting lots of interesting, like-minded people and genuinely wanted to meet someone special. eharmony is currently one of the most popular and successful on-line dating websites. […]

The Power Of No

Posted in: Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Uncategorized- Jul 15, 2016 No Comments

By Maggi Forootan The truth: We live in a Yes/No world. Yes, you should look both ways before crossing a street. No you shouldn’t touch a hot stove. So often I catch myself comparing dog training to parenting. Most of us agree that a good parent understands that in order to teach a child they […]


Posted in: Uncategorized- Apr 25, 2016 No Comments

I’m sure you know them, people who just can’t be alone. They constantly seek the company and attention of other humans whether or not that attention is good for them. Sometimes, if they can’t find other humans to fill the void, they assign this burden to their dogs. They require their dogs to be close […]